a Little about Myself
Being in the Cambridge program has given me a new perspective on my Highschool years and college years to come. Currently,f I'm in 10th grade and I couldn't be more excited to be almost done with my Highschool education. My name is Destiny Mullings I am 16 years old, 17 in January of 2022 was born and raised in spring valley New York. My household contained both parents, my grandmother, my uncle, my younger sister, and 2 dogs. When I was 9 turning 10 my mother decided to move our family to South Carolina, that didn't last very long because a short 6 months into our new life we moved again this time to beautiful Fort Lauderdale Florida where we have lived for the past 5 years going on. Since 6th grade, I have been thinking about wanting a better and high education because it was something neither of my parents had access to. Every day I strive to succeed at home and in school. Doing good in school has always been important to me because it makes me and my parents happy to see that I'm doing great or exceeding in my academic career. Throughout my life, I have been interested in and played lots of different sports such as basketball, soccer, softball, and recently volleyball. I enjoy partaking in after-school activities other sports like book club and the BSU (black student union), at one point I was even in robotics. Although on paper it could seem like I am a social person I am quite the opposite when it comes to meeting new people, I find it kind of intimidating or even scary to put myself out there for others to judge or critique. Disregarding the fact that I am a shy person I have quite a few friends and acquaintances, I choose to surround myself with people who are working towards the same or a similar goal of success, I find it helps motivate me to not give up when school or life gets tough. Being in the Cambridge program has made it so I am confident in myself and school work whenever I turn something in. The start of my 10th-grade year hasn't been amazing my family suffered 2 losses and my mom was in a horrific car accident as well as my own health scare that has caused me to fall severely behind my fellow classmates. I am choosing to try and find the silver lining of these unfortunate times and move on, though it is hard I believe I will get through this and possibly myself again.
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